This past weekend the Harris 4 drove up to Atlanta to catch up with a close friend of my husband’s. We will call him Uncle A. Uncle A was in town for…
Catering to a toddler’s food preferences can be worse that being a short order cook at the Waffle House. Just when you think you’ve figured it out they switch it up. And…
I know I know…National Breastfeeding Awareness Month ended yesterday! BUT I couldn’t resist a little boob/breastfeeding humor! Do you have any friends that can relate?
When I was pregnant, I was amazed at the amount of attention I received from total strangers. Most of it was refreshing as people would hold doors open, give up…
It’s Thanksgiving! Yaaaayyyy! Thanksgiving never disappoints…all the Food you can eat. Family. Friends. Football and Naps. If you’re really lucky you might even get great Fall weather (my sincere apologies…
If you were to ever meet my daughter and she happened to offer you a “crumb”. DO NOT TAKE IT. I repeat…DO NOT TAKE IT!! Seriously. Even if you see…
Recently my hubby was asked to speak to Katelyn’s preschool (3y/o) class during community helper week. He is a physician so he decided to talk to the class about getting…