I am fortunate to have quite a few awesome mothers in my circle so it was quite difficult to choose among them for the first interview. After considerable deliberation, I chose…
If you were to ever meet my daughter and she happened to offer you a “crumb”. DO NOT TAKE IT. I repeat…DO NOT TAKE IT!! Seriously. Even if you see…
Recently my hubby was asked to speak to Katelyn’s preschool (3y/o) class during community helper week. He is a physician so he decided to talk to the class about getting…
In 2013 I decided it was high time that my daughter had a fabulous tutu. Every little girl needs a tutu or two or three right? But I couldn’t go…
One of the hardest things for a new mom is the art of being still. We quickly learn that in order to merge our old routines with our new way…
I have been trying to birth (pun intended) this blog for almost a year now. I am very excited to share and connect with other moms willing to listen (read)…