A Look Back
The 2016 MKB Retreat was truly a memorable experience! While the video above certainly highlights some of the great moments that were shared, it simply does not do the weekend justice. For many of us, the weekend marked the the first vacation since having kids or the first time away from the kids and husband. I think I speak for all of the Inaugural 42 Crew, when I say we were all a bit anxious to meet up for the weekend with women that we had never met but WE WERE ALL IN and ready to Just Be!
In many ways, the weekend felt like a family reunion. Plenty of hugs, laughs (a few tears) between women that you would have never guessed hadn’t known each other a lifetime. We were all amazed that 42 women who in many respects had very different lives could come together, let loose and genuinely have a good time. You could feel the great energy among us and there is just something special about being in the company of great women working hard to be their personal best while also taking care of the family. We had some awesome planned activities like the Welcome Mixer, a Dolphin Tour and our Little Black Dress celebration, that were jam packed with fun! Yet, it was the unscripted moments that gave us the opportunity to truly connect, reflect and share some special moments that we will always cherish.
The Sandpearl Resort & Spa in Clearwater, FL offered the perfect backdrop to forget about adulting (if only temporary) and live in the moment. We could not have asked for better weather! The food was delicious, plentiful and most importantly it was being prepared by someone else. All too often, as women, wives and moms we put ourselves last and the retreat reminded us that we deserve to be a priority and we need time to relax, relate and release. Departure day arrived much too quickly and it was bittersweet. We were all looking forward to reuniting with our significant others and little ones but we all knew we would miss our online mom-squad, that became our “real-life” friends and now felt like sisters. The weekend lived up to it’s theme Be Inspired. Be Empowered. Just Be!
I consider the 2016 MKB Retreat an absolute success! I am so very thankful to all the women who sacrificed and invested in themselves to be a part of the weekend. When I look back at pictures and reflect on my time during the weekend, one mantra comes to mind, GREATNESS BEGETS GREATNESS! I am honored to have shared such an EPIC weekend with so many great women and I am inspired to continue to put forth great works in all that I do because of them!
The Weekend
What Others Had To Say
“There’s just something fascinating about 42 strangers meeting for the 1st time and instantly bonding as if we knew each other for years. The MKB retreat was an invigorating weekend filled with sisterhood, fellowship, and endless laughter. Being around a group of woman who are simply uplifting, encouraging, and loving was exactly what I needed. I left the retreat feeling validated and inspired! West palm, here we come!!!!” -Jamie B., MKB New Haven, CT
“Within several months of being invited to MKB, a retreat was in the works and though I had never even seen many of these women I immediately knew I had to go because of the love and support of the group. The retreat was one of the best things I have done in my adult life. The sister moms I roomed with were the wives of guys I knew in college. I thought it would be a little awkward at first but I had faith that I would have a good time. Well good was an understatement, it was AMAZING. I was able to meet and hang out with 41 other women and not have an ounce of drama and we had so much fun it’s almost unimaginable but it happened and I can’t wait for the next one!”
-Charlotte S., MKB Nashville, TN
“Me time” was not a priority for me as the wife, mom of two and teacher. But after spending years bonding with a group of moms I had never met face to face, I was anxious to head to the retreat. As soon as we met in person, the connection was instant.We laughed, cried and relaxed together. This retreat confirmed what I already knew, MKB is the place to be!”
-Nicole M., MKB Nashville, TN
“I went to the retreat not knowing anyone and came back with 41 sisters. I was ill at the time and considered cancelling my plans to go but they all encouraged me to come any way. They took care of me and nursed me back to health. Never before have I been around that many women and genuinely felt accepted and loved.” -Erica D.C, MKB District of Columbia